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The latest GreenWave Gazette from Synergy International.
October 14, 2024

The Green Wave Gazette - A round-up of recent sustainabilty news and events around the globe by Synergy International.

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Synergy International’s GreenWave 💚 🌊 newsletter! We want to remind you all that in anticipation of the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP) sessions—COP 16 on Biological Diversity in Cali, Colombia, scheduled for October 21st-Nov 1st and COP 29 on Climate Change in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11th-22nd—we are excited to introduce a series of focused articles.

This series will explore and provide source material on the international treaties and legal regimes that form the foundation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This time we focused on SDG 9.

SDG goal 9, "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure," is all about building a world that's connected, sustainable, and ready for the future! Think of it as crafting the backbone of progress that supports communities and economies alike. 🏗️🚄

Whether it's developing resilient roads and bridges, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, or fostering groundbreaking innovations, this goal ensures we're laying down the foundation for prosperity and well-being. Read mire...


Energy and Europe's competitiveness

Professor Draghi would like to introduce us to Mister Market 💚 🌊 We hope you had the opportunity to catch the International Energy Agency's insightful dialogue between Professor (former Italian Prime Minister and President of the European Central Bank) Mario Draghi and IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol on Europe's energy future. Prof. Draghi's perspective resonates deeply with our mission to foster sustainable energy solutions that not only protect our planet but also enhance economic competitiveness.

Europe's journey towards sustainable energy is not just an environmental imperative; it's a strategic maneuver to capitalise on our continent's inherent strengths. Read more...

Invitation to join us at BLGD

Synergy International 💚 🌊 is delighted to announce that members of our team are now Course Ambassadors for Democratising Education for Global Sustainability and Justice (DemEd), a program dedicated to broadening access to education on sustainable development law and policy.

As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering sustainability and innovation, SI is proud to support this important education program that aims to strengthen global capacity by providing high-quality, accessible online courses to current and future leaders.

DemEd's specific mission is to democratise education and expand participation in crucial areas like international law, environmental governance, and sustainable development. Read more...

Mining requirements of different electricity sources

A Deeper Look at Material Demands for a Low-Carbon Economy

One pressing concern in scaling up sustainable energy output is the increased demand for various minerals essential for renewable energy technologies. As Hannah Ritchie from Our World in Data aptly points out, we must take a deeper look at the environmental impact on mining for key sustainable industry mineral resources. (Yes we are big fans of Hannah's excellent work!)

It's common knowledge that constructing solar panels requires silicon, nickel, silver, and manganese; wind turbines necessitate iron and steel; nuclear power relies on uranium; and batteries depend on lithium and graphite. Read more...

21st October - 1st November, Cali, Colombia

COP 16

COP 16 will be the first Biodiversity COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15. Financial institutions can join the Finance for Biodiversity delegation as a signatory of the FfB Pledge and/or as a member of the FfB Foundation!

11 November - 22 November, Baku, Azerbaijan

COP 29

The Government of Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29), with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle the global challenge of climate change.

Visit the sustainability conferences and events calendar.
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